Sunday, May 24, 2020

Indonesia - Geography, History, and More

Indonesia is the worlds largest archipelago with 13,677 islands (6,000 of which are inhabited). Indonesia has a long history of political and economic instability and has only recently begun to grow more secure in those areas. Today, Indonesia is a growing tourist hotspot because of its tropical landscape in places such as Bali. Fast Facts: Indonesia Official Name: Republic of IndonesiaCapital: JakartaPopulation: 262,787,403Â  (2018)Official Language: Bahasa Indonesia (official modified form of Malay)Currency: Indonesian rupiah (IDR)Form of Government: Presidential republicClimate: Tropical; hot, humid; more moderate in highlandsTotal Area: 735,358 square miles (1,904,569 square kilometers)Highest Point: Puncak Jaya at 16,024 feet (4,884 meters)Lowest Point: Indian Ocean at 0 feet (0 meters) History Indonesia has a long history that began with organized civilizations on the islands of Java and Sumatra. A Buddhist kingdom called Srivijaya grew on Sumatra from the seventh to the 14th century, and at its peak, it spread from West Java to the Malay Peninsula. By the 14th century, eastern Java saw the rise of the Hindu Kingdom Majapahit. Majapahits chief minister from 1331 to 1364, Gadjah Mada, was able to gain control of much of what is present-day Indonesia. However, Islam arrived in Indonesia in the 12th century, and by the end of the 16th century, it replaced Hinduism as the dominant religion in Java and Sumatra. In the early 1600s, the Dutch began growing large settlements on Indonesias islands. By 1602, they were in control of much of the country (except East Timor, which belonged to Portugal). The Dutch then ruled Indonesia for 300 years as the Netherlands East Indies. By the early 20th century, Indonesia began a movement for independence which grew particularly large between World Wars I and II. Japan occupied Indonesia during WWII; following Japans surrender to the Allies, a small group of Indonesians proclaimed independence for Indonesia. On August 17, 1945, this group established the Republic of Indonesia. In 1949, the new Republic of Indonesia adopted a constitution that established a parliamentary system of government. It was unsuccessful, though, because the executive branch of Indonesias government was to be chosen by parliament itself, which was divided among various political parties. Indonesia struggled to govern itself in the years following its independence, and there were several unsuccessful rebellions beginning in 1958. In 1959, President Soekarno re-established a provisional constitution that had been written in 1945 to provide broad presidential powers and take power from the parliament. This act led to an authoritarian government termed Guided Democracy from 1959 to 1965.In the late 1960s, President Soekarno transferred his political power to General Suharto, who eventually became Indonesias president in 1967. The new President Suharto established what he called the New Order to rehabilitate Indonesias economy. President Suharto controlled the country until he resigned in 1998 after years of continued civil unrest. Indonesias third president, President Habibie, then took power in 1999 and began rehabilitating Indonesias economy and restructuring the government. Since then, Indonesia has held several successful elections, its economy is growing, and the country is becoming more stable. Government of Indonesia Indonesia is a republic with a single legislative body that is made up of the House of Representatives. The House is split into an upper body, called the Peoples Consultative Assembly, and lower bodies called the Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat and the House of Regional Representatives. The executive branch is comprised of the chief of state and the head of government, both of which are filled by the president.Indonesia is divided into 30 provinces, two special regions, and one special capital city. Economics and Land Use in Indonesia Indonesias economy is centered on agriculture and industry. The main agricultural products of Indonesia are rice, cassava, peanuts, cocoa, coffee, palm oil, copra, poultry, beef, pork, and eggs. Indonesias largest industrial products include petroleum and natural gas, plywood, rubber, textiles, and cement. Tourism is also a growing sector of Indonesias economy. Geography and Climate of Indonesia The topography of Indonesias islands varies, but it consists mainly of coastal lowlands. Some of Indonesias larger islands (Sumatra and Java for example) have large interior mountains. Because the 13,677 islands that make up Indonesia are located on the two continental shelves, many of these mountains are volcanic, and there are several crater lakes on the islands. Java alone has 50 active volcanoes.Because of its location, natural disasters—especially earthquakes—are common in Indonesia. On December 26, 2004, a 9.1 to 9.3 magnitude earthquake struck in the Indian Ocean, which triggered a large tsunami that devastated many Indonesian islands. Indonesias climate is tropical with hot and humid weather in lower elevations. In the highlands of Indonesias islands, temperatures are more moderate. Indonesia also has a wet season that lasts from December to March. Indonesia Facts Indonesia is the worlds fourth most populous country (behind China, India, and the United States).Indonesia is the worlds largest Muslim country.Life expectancy in Indonesia is 69.6 years.Bahasa Indonesia is the countrys official language but English, Dutch, and other native languages are spoken as well. Sources Central Intelligence Agency. CIA - The World Factbook --Indonesia.Infoplease. Indonesia: History, Geography, Government, and Culture - States Department of State. Indonesia.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

How has Obesity Affected Children - 667 Words

Obesity has become a great issue in America. Many families eat fast food every day, while ignoring the risks of the foods they eat. Fast food restaurants have expanded over time. Families turn to fast food because it is convenient and cheap. It is embarrassing that we as Americans are automatically thought of as fat. Not only has obesity affected adults but it has also affected many children in this country. The percentage of overweight children in the United States is growing at an alarming rate, with 1 out of 3 kids now considered overweight or obese. (Overweight and Obesity). Obesity has become common in children. Children spend most of their time eating and watching tv instead of doing any physical activities. Another reason why a child could be overweight is because their parents are overweight. If a parent is obese, most likely the child will grow up to be obese. Parents need to demonstrate healthy eating choices with their children. It is the parents role to set a good example for their children. Many parents face financial issues everyday, causing them to turn to fast food for a quick meal. Schools do not generally provide the nutritious foods that children should be eating. Instead, they feed their students processed foods. Elementary school cafeteria food is often mass-produced and chosen for its cost-effectiveness. (Boehlke). Schools try to provide students with healthy options, but they are failing. Students have access to sugary drinks and lessShow MoreRelatedChildhood Obesity: A Gowing Problem Around the World649 Words   |  3 PagesObesity is a growing problem all around the world for far too many children. Obesity means a person has too much body fat. Body fat is measured by a person’s body mass index. When one is measuring a person’s body mass index, they are finding their height and body weight then comparing it to the recommendations made by doctors for each age and gender. After doctors calculate it, they then find a percent ile rank to determine present and future health issues. Around the world, childhood obesity hasRead MoreThe Prevalence Of Overweight / Obesity1616 Words   |  7 PagesStatement: POPULATION/PATIENT PROBLEM: Both researchers studied the incidence of overweight/obesity in African-American children. One related it to the low socioeconomic status of the caregivers (SEP) and this study/research was conducted in Pitt County, North Carolina. The other research, four childhood obesity perceptions among African-American caregivers in a rural area Georgia community relates overweight/obesity on the parents’ level of education, income, eating habits and lack of physical activitiesRead MoreChildhood Obesity : Children Can Not Combat Obesity1158 Words   |  5 PagesChildhood Obesity Jesus Dorado DeVry University Prewriting My narrowed topic is that parents need to play a bigger role in helping reduce childhood obesity. Children cannot combat obesity by themselves. My primary audience consists of parents of children (ages 7-12). This is my primary audience because parents of young children should be aware of the potential dangers of childhood obesity. If parents do not teach their children how to make healthy decisions, their children will be affected physicallyRead MoreObesity : The Problem Of Obesity1643 Words   |  7 PagesTeen Obesity In Chicago Many Latino teens in Chicago suffer from what is called obesity. Throughout the Chicagoland, there are a variety communities that show health factor. In the Pilsen Community, obesity is highly defined in that area which determines the outlook on how Pilsen is in need of help for young teens to stay fit and lower the amount of obese teens that are in the Pilsen community. The problem would much simplier be not enough exercise or unhealthy foods that teens eat. However lackRead MoreChildhood Obesity And Its Effects On The United States Today1479 Words   |  6 Pagespediatric obesity now represents one of the most pressing nutritional problems facing children in the United States today. International population studies report comparable rates of increase, so that if current trends remain unchecked, childhood obesity is likely to challenge worldwide public health. Substantial consequences to physical and mental health, both short and long term, must be anticipated. Unfortunately, there is no uniform definition of childhood obesity. Childhood obesity has been variouslyRead MoreEssay about Fast Food is Destroying America1477 Words   |  6 Pagesnarrow and can cause chest pain and heart attacks. â€Å"Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems.† The environment is affected by the fast food industry because of the amount of pollution and trash they produce on a daily basis. The fast food industry has a harmful effect on society. Fast food has a harmful effect on society because it can causeRead MoreA Child s Silent Killer1266 Words   |  6 Pagesnumerous types of cancer and is drastically increasing in incidence. The individuals affected are our children and adolescents. No this â€Å"disease† is not untreatable, it is not contagious and there is no chemo involved yet it continues to grow. Why? When asked to present a problem and a solution, what bigger a problem and easier a solution than the underrated concern of childhood obesity in the United States. Childhood obesity is a serious, life threatening and growing medical concern in the U.S. today whichRead MoreNutrition Issues Essay952 Words   |  4 PagesNutrition and Health of Children and Families Instructor: Sandy Jungman August 4, 2014 Nutrition Issues â€Å"Approximately 17 %( or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2-19 years are obese.† (CDC). Therefore, proper health and nutrition is critical to the growth and development of young children. Many of our Americans are suffering from these nutrition issues. Media and its promotion of junk food is one way that affects obese children. Throughout this paperRead MoreBody1123 Words   |  5 Pagesweight is higher than what is considered to be a normal weight adjusted for height is described as being overweight or having obesity (â€Å"Overweight†). In 2013-2014, more than two in three adults were considered to be overweight or have obesity in America (â€Å"Overweight†). Additionally, about one in six children and adolescents ages two to nineteen were considered to have obesity (â€Å"Overweight†). Many Americans have adopted unhealthy lifestyles and as a result, they are gaining more and more weight. FastRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Major Pr oblem1253 Words   |  6 PagesChildhood obesity has recently become a major problem not only in the Unites States, but all around the world. No one knows the real reason as to why childhood obesity has recently become a major epidemic, but it has been found that the environment that the children live in plays a factor in their weight status. Not only that but, some people believe that fast food and their million dollar industries is the reasons why so many children are obese. Whereas others have found that it all relies on their

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sexual Minority, Lesbian, Bisexual, And Transgender Youth

Over the past decade, there has been a growing body of research on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth. Compared to their heterosexual peers, sexual minority (LGBT) youth struggle significantly, as they try to navigate through the social stigma attached to their sexual orientation. This population faces significant struggles due to a lack of social support, a hostile school environment, and incidences of bullying, harassment, and physical abuse. Compared to their heterosexual peers, sexual minority youth report experiencing more harassment and discrimination, due to their sexual orientation or gender expression. These experiences also include verbal and physical harassment, sexual harassment, isolation from peers, and difficulty†¦show more content†¦One resource that improves the psychosocial adjustment, academic performance, and overall well-being of sexual minority students, are social supports. Research has shown that when sexual minority youth have the proper s ocial supports in school and at home, as well as a supportive school environment, they are much more likely to succeed academically and thrive personally (Kosciw et al., 2011). The school environment plays a significant role in determining sexual minority students’ academic outcomes and psychosocial well-being. Although considerable research has examined the experiences of sexual minority youth, few compare that with their heterosexual peers. The purpose of this quantitative, true experiment, is to examine the effects school climate has on school performance for sexual minority high school students in comparison with their heterosexual peers. Literature Review Social support has been a frequently researched topic concerning the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. Social support can come from teachers, parents, close friends, and peers, and research has shown that social support influences the psychosocial adjustment of sexual minority youth. Researchers Dorothy Espelage, Steven Aragon, and Michelle Birkett conducted a study which examined to what degree if any do parents and schools influence have on the mental health of high school students who are questioning their sexual

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Understanding the Concept of Continuous Improvements

Questions: Part A: Required skillsThe following skills are required for this unit of competency: Communication skills to communicate opportunities for improvement Learning skills to coach and mentor staff, using a range of methods to cater for different learning styles Innovation and lateral thinking skills to design better ways for achieving work outcomes Planning skills to establish and monitor systems and process for continuous improvement Teamwork and leadership skills to gain the confidence and trust of othersYou need to demonstrate your ability to apply these skills in your work. The following list provides some strategies you might use to demonstrate your competence in these required skill areas. Respond to case studies and scenarios Provide examples of written reports Respond to direct questions Provide portfolios of evidence and third-party workplace reports of your on-the-job performance to show evidence of planning, coaching or mentoring, teamwork and innovations you have suggested B e observed participating in presentations Respond to oral or written questions to assess knowledge of quality systems Provide examples of strategies developed to ensure that team members are actively encouraged and supported to participate in decision-making processes. and to assume responsibility and exercise initiative Provide examples of how customer service strategies were communicated to all stakeholders Provide documentation that outlines work team performancePart B: Case studyRead the case study, then answer the questions that follow.Case studySally Evans was recently promoted to the position of sales manager in charge of nine sales representatives and three account managers. As an account manager before her promotion, she was pretty much left to her own devices, and so long as her key accounts remained happy and were continuing to spend with the organisation, her manager appeared satisfied.In stepping into her role as manager, Sally quickly realises that her previous manager did not utilise any formal performance planning or monitoring tools. As an extremely organised and structured person, Sally's first action is to set up a spreadsheet for each member of her team showing their sales to date against their budgeted sales figures. To encourage an open and transparent communication process amongst team members, Sally has designed each spreadsheet with a link to a team spreadsheet in which all team members can evaluate their performance against others in the team.In the days that follow, Sally locates a list of debtor statements from key customers which reveals that many of these accounts are 90 days in arrears. This is 60 days longer than the company policy of 30 days. As the new manager, she realises that it will be her responsibility to get these outstanding debts paid and to ensure that debts are not allowed to extend beyond the recommended timeframe in the future.1. What risks did Sally's predecessor take in not setting up any planning and monitoring systems?2. Evaluate the approach taken by Sally to monitor her team performance. What would you suggest Sally do differently?3. How would you suggest Sally communicate the adjustments she has made with her team and other relevant stakeholders including the clients who have accounts in arrears?4. Explain how Sally showed her innovation and lateral thinking skills when designing better ways for achieving work outcomes.Part C: Case studyRead the case study, then answer the questions that follow.Case studyJasper is a new manager for an outlet that sells new cars and that also provides follow-up service and support for customers. Given that the industry is extremely competitive it is important that he and his various teams take every opportunity to improve the services they deliver. The business consists of the following areas: New car sales Financing department After-sales services including customer support line Service department Purchasing department (includes buying of parts and ma terials such as oils, cleaning materials etc)In order to identify areas for improvement Jasper initiates a range of activities to obtain information that he can include in the planning he undertakes with his teams. These activities include customer surveys, follow-up calls and analysis of sales data.Improvements subsequently identified include:Providing better financing rates Sourcing more suppliers for parts and materials Changing the approach to selling techniques for sales people Introducing a 'collect and return service' for business people and business cars Introducing a free shuttle bus to the nearest shopping centre and pickups for people bringing in their cars for serviceThe improvements must now be communicated to the team and documented in future planning documents. Jasper realises he needs better systems to document work performance and record information on a regular basis to inform continuous improvement.1. What other strategies could Jasper have used to monitor operati onal progress and identify where improvements could be made?2. Select one of the improvements. Prepare a communication strategy that will inform the team of the improvement to be implemented. Include as many appropriate options as you consider necessary. Use lateral thinking skills to develop interesting ways to let the team know about the outcome of the research.3. Using the improvement you selected in question 2, write (briefly) what you would include in: the company's business plan the team's operational plan an individual team member's work plan.4. What systems could Jasper use in the future to help him regularly: document work performance report on successes, opportunities and problems record information that could be useful for continuous improvement?Include the performance variables that will be measured in each system or process.Part D: Required knowledge1. a) In your own words, describe what a quality system is and its role in maintaining continuous improvement.b) Select a continuous improvement process or model an organisation or team could implement. Describe how you would use it to increase productivity and customer satisfaction, and reduce costs.2. Research two continuous improvement models or quality systems relevant to your organisation. Describe: the models/systems why you selected each model/system how each model/system can be used by your organisation to facilitate continuous improvement.3. a) In your own words explain the principles of sustainability.b) Provide examples of two changes and describe what the organisation might do to ensure that the change complies with sustainability requirements.4. Select three different types of knowledge management systems from those discussed in this workbook and explain how they can assist an organisation in its continuous improvement processes.5. Explain how the DMAIC methodology (define, measure, analyse, improve and control) can be used to monitor customer service.6. Carry out the following project to devise strategies and approaches to improve work outcomes or organisational functioning. Ensure you undertake each of the activities below and provide any supporting documentation as evidence.Before the projecta) Use a process that encourages participation with your team members to identify the focus of your continuous improvement activities.b) What are the goals of your continuous improvement initiative?c) Make a list of stakeholders who will need to be kept informed regarding continuous improvement activities. What communication methods will you use for each group of stakeholders?d) How will you use mentoring and coaching processes to ensure that individuals and teams are able to implement and support the organisation's continuous improvement processes?During the projecte) Explain the methods you will use to monitor operational progress and customer service and identify areas for improvement. Collate the results of your continuous improvement activities using these methods and pro vide as evidence.f) Describe two adjustments you have made in the course of carrying out your improvement initiatives. How have you communicated these adjustments to the relevant stakeholders?After the projectg) Communicate the outcomes of your continuous improvement efforts to stakeholders and attach a copy of this communication as evidence.h) Debrief team members on your continuous improvement efforts and identify any other opportunities for further improvement.i) Using this information, create a plan for future continuous improvement efforts.Part E: Present your portfolioThrough the completion of the practice tasks and assessment activities in this workbook, you have now gathered a variety of documents, reports and other documentation relevant to this competency. Answers: Assessment Activity 1 Part A: Theory Review and Application 1. Strategies a. Participate in making decision: The team members will be provided respect and recognition for their performance and acknowledging their effort. For instance, if team member attain the given target and are acknowledged then they can contribute higher value to the organizational growth. b. Assume Responsibility: The team member can be provided responsibility of handling new employees and guiding them. This will help in knowing the capability and skills of team members in directing the new ones and helping them out. c. Show Initiative: The opinions and ideas have to be welcomed from the team members. The team members can provide details about efficient and inefficient employees on the basis of their performance and also any shortage of equipment in the production can be well delivered by team members. Skills of Manager Critical Thinking Skills: The critical thinking will help in providing effective decision to the organization in by having deep understanding of any flaws which may be present in processes. The manager can be provided complex task which may be impossible for others to solve it. Communication Skill: The communication will help in building relationship with senior management and employees. Therefore, in order to have effective communication the manager will have to make people aware about organisational goal and right feedback has to be provided to seniors about employees performance (Reddy and Dr. S. Krishnaiah, 2012). Collaboration Skill: The manager can build rapport and fill the gap among employees and thus higher benefit can be gained from them. The manager will have to remain engage with employees most of the time to enforce collaboration between them (Machado and Diggines, 2012). 3. Role of quality system The quality system helps in organisation in becoming a feasible place to work in. The systems are useful in improving organisational effectiveness such as customer service, sales, etc. Moreover, quality system is effective in measuring the performance and consistency is developed within the processes that minimises the error. The continuous improvement model is effective in reviewing and monitoring the operational process so that any error can be know and best step can be taken towards it. Toyota uses Total Quality Management System by aligning all their process people, resources, internal controls and goals. 4. Need for sustainability and sustainability practice a. The sustainability helps in minimizing the wastage for better future development. For instance, if Coca Cola waste large percentage of water then in future there can be huge scarcity of water (Lazo-Flores, 2012). b. Sustainability practice can be employed in the production department in order to have higher production with less usage of resources. In product packaging section sustainability practice can be enforced (Servaes et al., 2012). 5. Knowledge management system a. The KMS is effective in reducing costs, improving services and products, delivering potential to grow and expand and increasing profitability of organisation. Moreover, it helps in dissemination of knowledge (Matayong and Kamil Mahmood, 2013). b. The organisation will have to follow the process of knowledge management system such as application, creation, sharing and structuring. Moreover, the required stuff has to be collected and codified and then knowledge or experience personnel have to be associated. Apart from that, staff member has to communicate the idea with project manager and project manager will converse with the senior management of the company (Shibu, 2012). 6. Improving customer service a. A meeting will be conducted with team members to talk about their performance. Some team member will be allowed to book the order of customers and provide details about the products and other member will be involved in delivering the product whereas some may be involved in providing detail about the offers or benefits on particular products (Lucas, 2012). b. A conference or meeting can be called for making team members about the plan. Moreover, the leader of each team will make ensure about the planned improvements. c. Plan Activity Timeframe Maximising Abilities Team member will be called for coaching session and letting them know their weakness and strengths 1 week Improving Best Practices A standard will be set. In one month team member has to earn 60 points on their performance 4 week Accelerating Progress Target will be set to 100 points in 1 weeks to provide higher performance 1 week Emphasising strengths The strengths of team member will be used for higher production and they will put in front for effective customer service 6 weeks Part B: Case Study 1. The employees will be informed about developed options. The high skilled employees will be called for a meeting first to let them know about the move of the company and discussing the brief role and responsibility of the employees. In the next part, low performing employees will be informed that if they continue with poor performance till next month then they will be fired due to generating higher benefit from options. The diversification will be viable for increasing sales and income.2. The continuous improvement activities will be initiated by engaging team members and managers of the company. The initiative will be communicated through circulating official document via mail to the stakeholders. 3. Mentoring Component Description Contact Method Group Mentoring Monthly meeting among team members and mentors Conference Call Speed Mentoring 1 hour group meeting with the expert Face to face Virtual mentoring Online communication where the mentor/expert will answer team member questions. On-Line Contact 1. The sustainability practice can be applied in the production of furniture and acquirement of raw materials. Therefore, it will help in decreasing the costs and developing effective image in the market. Moreover, the sustainability practice in service will be useful in gaining competitive edge (Machado and Diggines, 2012).2. The Groupware Knowledge management system can be useful in facilitating collaboration among employees. Therefore, the employees can contribute more towards the structured options for enhancing organisation effectiveness. Assessment Activity 2 Part A: Theory Review and application 1. Measuring performance: It will be useful to know whether the organisation is able to attain the expected productivity or not. The employees in order to reach to the expected performance level may lose their efficiency level and it can affect their productivity (Charan, 2012). Comparing past and current productivity: It will be effective in understanding the level of production achieved in current year in comparison to past year. If comparison is made and company finds short then it can upset the company and their employees (Kelly, 2012). 2. The adjustment can be made into the production department by engaging highly efficient employees in place of less productive employees to gain higher productivity with minimum usage of resources. The changes will be communicated through meeting or placing information on the notice board. 3. The sound communication skill will help in building strong and effective bonding with the employees. Therefore, the staff can account changes without any big query or conflict. The staff will obey the manager order due to his/her sound nature and good rapport with staff (Reddy and Dr. S. Krishnaiah, 2012). Part B: Case Study 1. The predecessor of Sally did not prepare any spreadsheet for tracking sales and budget figures. Moreover, predecessor did not take in account any performance management system for measuring the employees performance.2. Sally has used a monitoring tool such as spreadsheet to monitor the performance of team. The preparation of spreadsheet for recoding the sales and productivity of employees was different.3. Sally adopted formal meeting with the team members to make them aware about the adjustments she has made. On the other hand, Sally would have circulated email to stakeholders about the adjustments so that they can have faith on the company.3. When Sally was appointed as sales manager, she first tried to analyse the performance of previous manager and what he has done. Therefore, after analysing, she adopted monitoring tool and performance planning so that activities can be organised. Further, she took the responsibility to clear the debts on time. Assessment Activity 3 Part A: Theory Review and Application 1. Monthly Meeting: The management will conduct meeting in a month to improve their efforts. This method will let know the performance of employees and management talk whether their performance has improved or not.Placing month productivity level: It will help in making employees aware about the level of production they have generated in a month. This method will make team members to improve their efficiency level.2. The recording process will help by providing information about gaps in the performance and productivity so that employees can improve their performance.3. The system in place will be effective in gaining higher performance with least usage of energy and employees can perform in better way. a. The work performance will be measured by adopting appraisal technique such as 360 degree.b. The report on performance will be delivered to top management.c. The performance information will be stored in organisation database.4. The less association among employees in helping each ot her was an issue in project. The team has learned how to develop a plan before carrying a project and reviewing the performance after some interval. The team member possessing similar knowledge and skill will be put in one team. On the other hand, the acquiring of resources has to be done after proper planning and understanding the need of project. ect. Part B: Case Study 1. Jasper could have introduced quality management system in the company to measure the effectiveness of employees whether they are providing required and beneficial service to customers or not. Moreover, the company can introduce a slight low rate for the existing customers on new cars so that they can do not turn up to other outlet for cars. Further, Jasper can provide gift coupons on each car service to customers. 2. The sourcing of parts and materials from more suppliers can be effective for the company in gaining required material on right as it will help in providing timely service to the customers. The team will be informed through meeting and conference about the improvement strategy. The meeting and conference will be effective to inform whole employees in one time. The company can provide a notice to each employee mentioning about the proposed improvement and its long term benefit. 3. a. In the business plan of the company the name of the suppliers will be mentioned and the cost of each supplier will be outlined.b. In operational plan, the process of using and warehousing the parts and materials of cars will be mentioned. c. The specific role and time line will be mentioned to complete the task in the work plan.4. Document work performance:The work performance has to be measured on regular interval, say one month. Report on success, opportunities and problems: Every month report has to be prepared on the performance of company.Record information: A spreadsheet has to be prepared for recoding the data and using it at some point of time. Final Assessment Part A: Required Skills The case study of Quality Stock Enterprise, Sally Evans and Jasper were effectively communicated which helped in understanding their situation and what the step has been followed to solve their case. In Quality Stock Enterprise, new strategies have been formed such as manufacturing offshore, product diversification, etc. In Sally Evan case, she made structured plan such as preparing spreadsheet, ensuring debtor of collection, etc. In Jasper case, company made improvement plan such as sourcing more suppliers for higher benefit.The quality system is effectively responded that helps in understanding the probable knowledge that can be applied in the different situations. On the other hand, team member were provided flexible environment and freedom to express their views. Further, in case of customer service, a mail was sent to each stakeholder about the strategies. Moreover, for work team performance, performance appraisal method was used and measurement technique was employed.Part B: Re quired Knowledge 1. a. A quality system is an acquirement of process and procedure of business. Its role is to attain the requirements of customers.b. The continuous improvement process will be identification, planning, execution and reviewing. It will be used by engaging experienced and skilled employees.2. The Agile model and Lean method can be used. Agile model helps in executing the plan in appropriate manner whereas Lean method is helpful in understanding the production process.3. a. The sustainability principle is based on a thought that communities and people are composed of environmental, social and economic systems.b. The organisations should decrease the excess use of resources such as water or energy. Moreover, organisation has to investment in green technology.4. Groupware, Decision support system and Document Management system. These can help in making effective decision and in right time.5. The DMAIC is helpful in enhancing the quality and decreasing the error in any operational process . 6. Before Project a. Goals and plan will be set for the team members.b. The goals will be improving performance by 30% each monthc. The investor, owner, banks, employees and suppliers. The e-mail will be usedd. The mentoring and coaching process will be used by engaging an experience and expert trainer. During the project e. A performance measurement technique such Total Quality Management and Graphic Rating Scale will be used. The contract trainer will be included who will provide details about improvement. Professional Development of staff will be regularly checked to know their efficiency and effectiveness. f. The experienced trainer has been hired and new technology has been adopted. The stakeholders have been communicated through annual general meeting. After the project g. The employee has achieved objective up to 80%. The level of wastage has reduced to 65%. The production has increased to 70%.h. The team members have performed exceptionally well which help in organizing the unit of employees together. The percentage of wastage in the production department has to be further reduced. i. Plan Timeframe Quality in Production 60 days Employee Training 30 days Receiving Raw materials 15 days Hiring Team 30 days Accomplishing Objective 6 months Part C: Portfolio Planning CEO, Manager Hiring Employees HR Manager Monitoring Performance Trainer by using performance appraisal technique Decreasing Wastage Following principles of sustainability References Charan, P. (2012). Supply chain performance issues in an automobile company: a SAP LAP analysis. Measuring Business Excellence, 16(1), pp.67-86. Kelly, C. (2012). Measuring the Performance of Partnerships: Why, What, How, When?. Geography Compass, 6(3), pp.149-162. Lazo-Flores, T. (2012). Grading Green: Strands of Sustainability Theory and Practice in Interior Design Courses. Sustainability: The Journal of Record, 5(5), pp.323-330. Lucas, R. (2012). Customer service. New York: McGraw-Hill. Machado, R. and Diggines, C. (2012). Customer service. Lansdowne, South Africa: Juta. Matayong, S. and Kamil Mahmood, A. (2013). The review of approaches to knowledge management system studies. Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(3), pp.472-490. Reddy, B. and Dr. S. Krishnaiah, D. (2012). Non Verbal Communication Cues: an Urgent Required Skill for Achieving Effective Communication. IJSR, 2(11), pp.212-213. Servaes, J., Polk, E., Shi, S., Reilly, D. and Yakupitijage, T. (2012). Sustainability testing for development projects. Development in Practice, 22(1), pp.18-30. Shibu, K. (2012). Knowledge Management and Information System: Strategies for Growing Organizations. Journal of Knowledge Communication Management, 2(1), p.1.