Thursday, May 14, 2020

How has Obesity Affected Children - 667 Words

Obesity has become a great issue in America. Many families eat fast food every day, while ignoring the risks of the foods they eat. Fast food restaurants have expanded over time. Families turn to fast food because it is convenient and cheap. It is embarrassing that we as Americans are automatically thought of as fat. Not only has obesity affected adults but it has also affected many children in this country. The percentage of overweight children in the United States is growing at an alarming rate, with 1 out of 3 kids now considered overweight or obese. (Overweight and Obesity). Obesity has become common in children. Children spend most of their time eating and watching tv instead of doing any physical activities. Another reason why a child could be overweight is because their parents are overweight. If a parent is obese, most likely the child will grow up to be obese. Parents need to demonstrate healthy eating choices with their children. It is the parents role to set a good example for their children. Many parents face financial issues everyday, causing them to turn to fast food for a quick meal. Schools do not generally provide the nutritious foods that children should be eating. Instead, they feed their students processed foods. Elementary school cafeteria food is often mass-produced and chosen for its cost-effectiveness. (Boehlke). Schools try to provide students with healthy options, but they are failing. Students have access to sugary drinks and lessShow MoreRelatedChildhood Obesity: A Gowing Problem Around the World649 Words   |  3 PagesObesity is a growing problem all around the world for far too many children. Obesity means a person has too much body fat. Body fat is measured by a person’s body mass index. When one is measuring a person’s body mass index, they are finding their height and body weight then comparing it to the recommendations made by doctors for each age and gender. 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